Friday, August 6, 2010


From facebook,
Eyoh so much harder to procrastinate from politics and law now!
oh my,,

I'm filling out all these forms and now realised that because of year 12 i don't really have any other hobbies except watching dramas and dreaming of being a :x

i think i need to find something more fulfilling in life!

Fail fml!?

Point one: asian failed my math test.
I'm such an idiot and bawled like a baby after the test. I'm too highly strung..well not anymore since i cried it out haha.
I've noticed that i struggle to keep my emotions in check and my facade is fading. I get all red faced when a get angry- literally so i suck at arguments cuz' my face gives it away. since when honestly! Ever since i quit athletics my face is so D:

it turns out I got chosen for round one. but im not happy? because i have to decline. I know hardly anyone who would know what im on about would read this which is why i type because i feels as though talking to others about it will ruin my chances.
gosh i hopehopehope like crazy!
truely 'eyoh'

now for specialist back
noms, pretty sure i cocked up so to speak- i feel waaaay too calm

from jenny's blog
yum gyaru is cool!

Friday, July 30, 2010

i hope

that I ain't gunna be here for Christmas
that I aint gunna be here for New year
that I aint gunna be here for Australia day


Monday, July 26, 2010


最初に 何て言おうかな… もう決められない!
lol, like i can actually read that
At the first moment what should I say.... I can't decide it!

what a cute song, I think it may be my favourite song forever <3 lol
never say forever!

today is such a killer energy drain and i have so much to do but i am really happy :D
verrryy happy *massive grin*

this blog is shit, later i think i might start making a theme of sorts for it..
what type of blog should this be? i don't know...
shall decide later...sometime...soon...ish?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

my goodness its such easy to be ignorant.
i wish i didn't realise what im like.
it'll so much easier.
i wouldn't be regretting all the time!

i promise not to swear at anyone; call a person an idiot, or bitch, dickhead
unless i am actually truely angry at them.
because it kinda hurts even though the tone is mostly playful.
its not nice
getting a taste of your own medicine teaches you things!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


*shit eating grin on ze face*

Monday, July 12, 2010

"I'm crushing on you!"

you know when you like someone when you mock a TV character flailing over the hot protagonist but accidently say another name instead.
oh deary deary me zoe!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I don't know what to do >__

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Are a beautiful thing.
My head lives in the clouds.
I want a beautiful future, to meet beautiful people and to be so very happy.
I want a fairytale.
And though I know it is unlikely to happen.
I still wish and dream.

On another note. Yesterday I went to the John Curtin PML annual lecture.
It was pretty awesome and being the crazy girls we are we got photos with Stephen Smith and Paul Keating 8)...well i think that's pretty exciting!Mind you I felt silly because I had nothing usefull to say.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Thank goodness

For ze holidays 8D
I've just put my report away and i started comparing it to my one from last year and boy have I gotten worse D:
My exam results are fairling poor compared to last year *cries*. Oh welllllll
Life isn't all about studying it?

Anywhoo I had the worst week :D
I've learnt that telephone is a terrible form of communication and learnt that life really isn't fair. I hope this week as opened my eyes as to life in the real world and especially the office working place. Working politics is funny to watch at school, but when you get the short end of the stick it really is no fun!

All I can do is try my best at everything isnt it? And hope that I succeed. Mind you I'll be extremely sad if I dont get to go. I've been saving up since year 10! No lunch buying in year 12, no shopping splurges, ballonabudget

bye bye!
Chai Latte!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Is it bad that the only thing I'm looking forward to, relying on is that one hope?
If I don't get it that my life may be meaningless.
It's scary that i've but all my expectations, feelings and emotions on the hope that those two weeks arrive. Because that could very well not happen. Theres are a high chance.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


fully i will be able to let go of the past.
Life is tiring.
It's taken day by day with moments of hope for the future.
All I do is study and I don't enjoy it but it's not as through I have anything better to do. sad isn't it? whenever I do get invited to sometime well usually I actually have to do work.
I only just realised this today when someone asked whether I get any relax time.
I take what I can get.
You know what? I actually hated it.What everyone loved? And it's nobody's fault but mine. Why am I this way? I wish I wasn't but I am. Acceping who you are is not easy. What am I on about? I know, but do you? Perhaps you do, but I won't spell it out because it'll be politically wrong for me to do so. Have a guess it's not that hard. If you get it right I'll buy you ice-cream-everyone loves ice cream!

oyasuminasai if you read this.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


thanky goodness the exam results are back and I've never felt so stuppid in my life- cuz i did okay..

ohnomnom but the teachers are getting straight into work now.
how lame my life totally revolves around studies now. D:
*regrets doing 6 tee*

well anyway i hope that i get to go to japan at the end of the year as a gift to myself for all the studying hhohohoho, however i just have to convince mum that if the schloarships fail she'll let me go to the summer language coarse. She feels as though that because its not a highschool exchange its a waste of my time and i should wait till im older...but if i wait until im older, im going wait later..the later and probabaly never get around to it because i'll be too busy studying or applying for a job or watever which sucks donkey balls D:

yum i also want to go to London too; how cool would it be to go volunteer in the London olympics *D*
damn its second year uni D: and i really do want to finish my law degree if i do it quickly because it's a mimum of 5 years- full time
FIVE YEARS!!! thats alot- a whole nother highschool imagine that!

The future is so exciting <3 gah! cannot wait!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


thank goodness the exams are over but now i worry over my results.
i have so much trouble letting go and getting over things its irritating. perhaps its the fact that i know i can do so much better. especially in specialist! halfway in the exams i decide to commit in self sabotagery to let my brain sleep. scary~ and so so many stupid mistakes.

abbott oh god (hah!) please not.
okay so rudd has been dissapointing and kinda failed to deliver? but do we really want a PM who is so contradictory of his conservatism? and one who admits to lying?
oh my oh my!

better sleep now
to ikea tomorrow !! :3

i leave you with my favourite tegoshi..and masu in the backgroup ;)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Exams give me headaches
especially afternoon ones
how very unlovely D:

f**** up politics and law pretty nicely
but im not depressed for some reasons
i think maybe it'll hit me later
